太给力了!太极拳英文基本术语,全了!2024-12-13 13:18
必修课程 a required course
掤、捋、挤、按、採、挒、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼、定Peng (warding off), Lv (rolling back), Ji(pressing), An (pushing), Cai (pulling down), Lie (splitting), Zhou (elbowing),Kao (body stroke), Jin (advancing), Tui (retreating), Gu (shifting left), Pan(shifting right) and Ding (central equilibrium)
不丢不顶no releasing and resisting directly
沉肩坠肘lowering the shoulders and elbows
沉着heavy and steady
撑掌unfolding palm
抽丝taking out the thread
丹田Dantian (pubic region)
弹簧力springy force
道法自然Taoism following the nature
敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追retreating as the enemy advances, disturbing as theenemy camps, attacking as the enemy fatigues, advancing as the enemy retreats
第五代传人fifth-generation successor
顶头悬suspending the head and relaxing the neck
懂劲comprehending force
动与静motion and stillness
动中寓静stillness with motion
对立统一the unity of opposites
对立与统一contradition and unfication;unity of theopposites
耳提面命whispering into disciplesears and talking face to face
发劲discharging force
法道修身self-cultivation with Tao
法道治国state-governing by Tao
反者道之动,弱者道之用The application of Dao is using mildnessrather than violence, softness rather than hardness
非圆即弧either circle or arc
刚柔相济combining hardness with softness
根于脚,主宰于腰,行于手指rooting with feet, leading with waist, andmoving with fingers
弓步n.bow stance; v.lunge forward
功夫Gongfu; Kungfu;fighting art;fightingskills
攻防attack and defense; offense and defense
攻防搏击offensive and defensive fighting
贯串之意Yi of permeating
国术馆National Martial Arts Gyms
含胸拔背contracting the chest and lengthening theback
合中有开closing with opening
后发制人striking only after being struck
呼、发、伸、进、起、仰、往、出、放、打、击、刚、动、实、开、升、上、左breathing out, attacking, extending,advancing, raising, facing upward, going, sending, releasing, hitting,striking,hardness, moving, solidness, opening, lifting, ascending,turning left
呼与吸breathing out and breathing in
化劲dispersing force
技击术art of attack and defense
借力打力transforming the coming force to attackthe opponent
劲整integrating force
经络Jingluo (main and collateral channels)
经络中通行的气Qi (air) in Jingluo
静中寓动motion with /in stillness
卷(蓄)与放storing and discharging
开胯屈膝separating the thighs and bending theknees
开与合opening and closing
开中有合opening with closing
快与慢rapidness and slowness
老子学说Laozis Doctrines
砺练品格morality training
练劲building up power
练巧mastering techniques
练顺smoothing out the frame
螺旋缠绕spiral enwinding
落点(劲点)attacking points(positions)
门规戒条doctrines, regulations and restrictions
内不动,外不发no internal Yi (mind), no externalmovements
内劲Neijin (inner power)
内劲潜换inner power exchanging
内气Neiqi (inner air)
内外皆修internal and external cultivation
内外统一uniting mind with body
偏心距eccentric distance
平和安静,谦和大度,博爱真诚,感恩包容gentleness and peace, modesty andgenerosity, love and sincerity, gratitude and tolerance
平心静气calming mind
气沉丹田Qi Chen Dantian (storing qi in the pubicregion)
气敛Storing Qi (spirit;air)
牵一发而动全身a slight move in one part may affect thewhole situation
乾坤Qiankun (heaven and earth, the universe)
强身健体body building and physical fitness
轻与沉lightness and heaviness
全国武术锦标赛Championship of National Martial Arts
拳法boxing method
拳理boxing theory
拳姿boxing posture
人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、我必犯人We will not attack unless we are attacked;if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.
柔与刚softness and hardness
儒雅端庄refined and dignified
散手San Shou (free sparring)
上下相随the harmony between the upper and lowerbody
舍己从人giving up ones own to accept the widely-accepted one
身心双修physical and spiritual cultivation
神Shen (concentration of the mind)
神聚concentrating the attention
神明sprirtual illumination
十大文化脉系ten major regional cultures
十三势Thirteen (13) Postures
收敛入骨storing in the body
疏通经络activating channels
四两拨千斤defeating the strong with little effort
松静自然being natural, relaxed and quiet
松柔缓慢soft and slow
松腰圆裆relaxing the waist and separating thethighs
太极拳Taijiquan;Tai Ji Quan;Tai Chi;Taijiboxing;Shadow boxing
太极拳圣地Hometown of Taijiquan
太极拳小架子the small frame of Taijiquan